Project ‘Georgian minority women as integration ambassadors’: Study visit to Germany

From 13 – 20 May 2024, 10 ethnic Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian project participants living in Georgia visited Berlin.Including the two project leaders, the group consisted of 4 teachers, 4 activists and 4 journalists. The participants got to know the work and best practices of German and international educational institutions, organisations, media houses and meeting…

Rönne Foundation visiting Georgia

From 22 – 26 September 2024, the founder and board member of the Rönne Foundation Burkhard Saar, and project manager Mareike Steinig visited Georgia for the kick-off event of the new project ‘Empowering Youth Supporting Minority Communities’. This project, which will run from 1.08.2024-31.07.2025, is once again being organised and implemented on site by our…

Deformation. An exhibition about unlearning and refusing | Odkształcenie. Wystawa o oduczaniu się i rezygnacji | Дэфармацыя. Выстава пра развучванне і адмову

Die Aufstände in Belarus sowie auch die schwarzen Proteste in Polen brechen mit überkommenen Traditionen und dem etablierten Status Quo. Sie setzen Energien frei, die Zukunft unter rechtsstaatlichen und demokratischen Vorzeichen neu zu denken. Die Ausstellung widmet sich den Fragen danach, wie ein bewusstes Ablehnen und Ablegen von gewohnten Denkmustern und Strukturen Teil dieser Proteste…

Categorised as Projects


Times of upheaval are also creative times. This is clearly evident in the Belarusian art scene, critical of the regime, which has experienced a blossoming since the beginning of the protests in August 2020 and is increasingly turning the uprising into a cultural protest through ever-new artistic forms. However, artistic initiatives and activists in Belarus,…

Categorised as Projects