Online project presentation

On 9.12. we presented the results of our joint work in the BelarusArtChange project: ДЭФАРМАЦЫЯ/UNLEARNINGCritical Art in Belarus and Poland beyond established mindsets Digital exhibition tour and artist talk. What is the situation like for Belarusian artists living in exile, what are the topics and challenges they deal with in their everyday lives and in…

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Exhibition in Poznan

From 7 October to 3 November, the exhibition “UNLEARNING”, which we planned and organised together with our Belarusian and Polish partners, was on show at Art Space Domie in Poznan. 14 artists presented their ideas on the role of art in the protest movements in Belarus and Poland. The exhibition is part of the BelarusArtChange…

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Anniversary of Protests in Belarus

The euphoria is over. A reflection on the protests and the development of future scenarios for a democratic Belarus have started. An interview with the artist and curator Sergey Shabohin on the anniversary of the protests in Belarus. A year ago, mass protests against electoral fraud began in Belarus. Artists, musicians and writers began to…

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wechange Conference 2021

From 3-5 June 2021, the Foundation participated in the conference “Dialogue for the Future 2021”, a networking event organised by wechange for civil society actors in and for Eastern Partnership countries and Russia. We were able to listen to interesting presentations on digitalisation and sustainability, follow exciting project ideas and, above all, make new contacts…

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Renovation work is currently being carried out on the entire building in Rönnestraße in Berlin-Charlottenburg. The future premises of the Rönne Foundation, including the studio of artist and craftsman Ulrich Stroß, are also being repaired and renovated. It is expected that the foundation will be able to move into the new rooms in 2022 and…

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